Evil Beaver only showed up in this scene, but he made the most of hinting his evil ways by being squirmy during Veronica's inquisition and the woe is me flashback with Cervando.

If you look closely over Vee's shoulder you will see Dick on a bike. How I know this? Well just off to the left of Dick was where I was during the set visit of Veronica Mars. Plus I just got some official photo's from that day which I'll surely show someday.

Some more classic shirts during the dream sequence. First was the infamous "I (Heart) Dick Casablancas" shirt. It's funny that the censors wouldn't let them use the "I (Heart) Dick" shirt I showed a while ago, but the camera was cut off to the point you couldn't even see "Casablancas." Then there was Meg's "Baby on Board" which I first saw while in the makeup trailer never thinking it was going to be part of the show.

It may be just because I'm sophomoric, but I loved this scene especially the bareback line.

I was a little disappointed that I Am God turned out to be a song, but the Rosebud reference did ease things.
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