Yet another Evil Beaver-less episode, but it was still one of the best of the season. Though The Rapes of Graff not only granished the greatest episode title, it also has my favorite sequence of the season with the makeshift Reelect Don Lamb flyer.

Kristen Bell was also outstanding, no matter what the old Emmy voters think, with her coy hiding behind her hair trick and of course the look on her face after being called out on her Emmy performance.

Of course we all met Iceman during this episode, but hopefully we get to meet Mr. Roofie sometime next season (look in the right column in the middle).

And one can only hope Dick with yet another classic shirt here, pledges the same frat next season. One can only imagine what his nickname would be.

And of course this was the last we saw of Hannah. Hopefully she makes it back from Vermont next season. But until then cue up It's so Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.
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