Here's a couple more pictures of the whole cast of Knights of Prosperity courtesy of ABC. I'll be back Tuesday with more exclusive pictures and be sure to check out the show when it premieres Wendsday January 3rd at 9:00.
Here'a a couple more exclusive photos from the upcoming Knights of Prosperity couresy of ABC. Be sure to check the show out when it premieres Wedensday, January 3rd at 9:00. Click to enlarge the pictures.
We are a week away from the premiere of possible the best new show of the year, Knights of Posperity, or as I like to call it Let's Rob Mick Jagger. Here's a couple of cast pictures (click to enlarge) coutesy of ABC and be sure to tune in next Wedensday, January 3rd at 9:00:
This week will be dedicated to what looks to be what will be the best show of next years, Knights of Prosperity. And here are the cast pictures of the two reasons to watch. First is Donal Logue, best known for his cabbie ads for MTV in the early 90's, who is the kingpin of the operation. The second picture, and possible the most important reason to watch the show, Sofia Vergara. Knights of Prosperity starts Wednesday, January 3rd at 9PM on ABC.
The good people over at ABC have sent me a promo of what looks to be the greatest show of 2007, Knight's of Prosperity or as I like to call it, Let's Rob Mick Jagger. They also sent along some pictures that I'll be sharing next week so look out for those. Also be sure to head over to my sister site to she how you can participate in the Scooter McGavin's 9th Green Reader's Poll and you just may win a prize. Now onto the promo:
Premiere Date: Wednesday, January 3rd at 9PM on ABC Cast: Donal Logue, Sofia Vergara, Lenny Venito, Maz Jobrani, Kevin Michael Richardson, Josh Grisetti Synopsis: In the premiere episode, "Pilot," Eugene Gurkin's (Donal Logue) dreams always have exceeded his means. In fact his dead end job on the late, late janitorial shift won't even fund a bottle of premium booze. In a serendipitous moment, he catches an episode of an entertainment news show and his passion is ignited. Soon he excitedly recruits a group of "average joes" into his "gang" -- "The Knights of Prosperity" -- to plan the celebrity heist. The first order of business is to get a copy of the key to Jagger's apartment. And, as usual for this group of "Ocean's idiots," nothing comes easily.
Here's the promo for tomorrow's arc closing of Veronica Mars courtesy of YouTube and and from the promo it looks epic. After you are done be sure to head over to my sister site to guess who you think the rapist is: Oddsmakers: The Hearst Rapist.
New Supernatural tomorrow at 9:00 on The CW and I have the press release for Crossroad Blues. With a title like that and Dean's penchant for classic rock I will be thoroughly disappointed if Cream isn't played at some point during the episode. But anyways. Here's the press release:
DEAN LEARNS THE PAINFUL TRUTH ABOUT HIS FATHER’S DEATH — When two highly successful professionals die after claiming to be haunted by hellhounds, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate the local dive bar and discover it sits upon a site where a deal-making demon has been making people’s dreams come true in exchange for their souls. Dean summons the demon to exorcise it but is horrified after it reveals the painful truth about John’s death and tempts Dean by offering him the one thing he wants more than anything – his father. Sera Gamble wrote the episode directed by Steve Boyum (#208).
The more screen time she gets on Veronica Mars, the more I love Parker. After her great introduction, I thought she might be ruined by the whole being raped (or was she even raped at all as Not-Lucky may have suggested) and having her head shaved thing. But she remains entertaining and thanks to Parker, this was the best scene from the past episode courtesy of YouTube. Below that is the promo for tomorrow's episode which looks like it could be the best of the season so far. Let's just hope that Dick, Mac, Lamb, and Weevil all bother to show up for it.
Here's the last three exclusive photos from tonight's episode of Supernatural courtesy of The CW. So maybe instead of watching the glorified General Hospital in primetime, whatever city CSI is in tonight, or hearing the guy from Little Monsters saying "Deal or no deal" for a whole hour, you watch a show that is actually entertaining.
My contact over at The CW has sent along some exclusive pictures for this week's Supernatural that I'll be sharing here all week. So here are the first two pictures courtesy of The CW:
I had almost lost my faith in the internet when I kept looking for this scene to no avail. But two weeks after the episode aired, the greatest scene in Veronica Mars history finally popped up on YouTube. So here it is, Dick's first appearance in the Mars apartment:
Here's a real cool referesher of last weeks episode of Veronica Mars, a good way to keep you up to speed so far. There's also one for Welcome Wagon so check that out too.
Ronnie lesbian dancing, chicks dressing like their favorite Pussycat Doll, the return of Chip Diller, Dick in bizarro world; best Veronica Mars scene ever. Unfortunately whoever made this clip, from YouTube, cut it before Vee could utter the best line of the episode: vomit, it's the new mace. Oh well. And don't forget to check out my latest Veronica Mars/Lost Toss Up over at my sister site. Now onto the lesbian dancing:
Of all the great scene from last week's season premiere of Veronica Mars, this one was one of my favorite if only it was the introduction of what could be my new favorite character Parker. Hopefully the whole being rapped and having her head shaved brings her down and she finds a wig that looks suspiciously like the actress' real hair. Don't forget to watch the new episode tonight on The CW at 9:00. Now here's the scene thanks to YouTube:
Scooter Note: this is a preview of the Veronica Mars portion of the weekly Toss Up with Lost that will appear on the 9th Green (see sidebar) tomorrow. Be sure to check out my sister site for the whole post tomorrow.
Then there was the return of two time Scooter Television Awards winner for Best Show, Veronica Mars. In one of the worst kept secrets of the summer, Veronica ended up at Heart College despite being accepted to Stanford. And if that was the worst kept secret, the second worst was that the first mini-season arc mystery would be that of the serial rapist Ronnie encountered last season. But before that happened, we got our first college level mystery of the week which involved Wallace’s new roommate Piz. Anyone find it odd that Piz is from Beaverton. Get it; Beaver-ton. You know; (Cassidy) “Beaver” (Casablancas)-ton. Oh, nevermind. Many great Vee moments following the mystery of the week with Ronnie speaking Spanish and futuristic languages, camping out in lawn chairs (such a college thing to do), and her anti-chick conversation with Mac.
Speaking of Mac, she also got a roommate, Parker, who quickly shot to the top of the list of contenders fore Best Cast Addition for next year’s STA’s. Her first scene with Ronnie brought back some fond memories of college (man I miss undergrad). Unfortunately it looks like we won’t get to see that Parker in future episodes of the show as she fell victim to the serial rapist. Too bad they didn’t hold the rapist storyline to the second or third arc of the season, because I would have minded see more of Perky Parker.
At least we got basically two years of classic Dick before he went on his downward spiral. And if you didn’t realized that was Dick in the Union Jack Speedo before he was unmasked then you must never seen the show. One thing I didn’t understand is why Dick had to shack up with Logan at the end? Did something happen to Casa de Killer II? But there was nothing more harsh spoken ever that his “beard” comment to Mac. I cringed ever time I watched it.
Whereas those storylines seemed written for newbies, the other storyline looked be more for the faithful with Keith chauffeuring the eldest Fitzpatrick to hidden away Not-Kendall. The ending here was more shocking than the other storyline with Kith between a rock and a hard place after it looked like Fitzpatrick took out Not-Kendall and left Keith for dead. Will Vinnie Van Lowe come to the rescue? Is Not-Kendall really dead? And most importantly, why did Keith leave his gun in the glove compartment while escorting a felon right out of jail? Here’s my harebrain theory: Not-Kendall was the one that hired Vinnie and is playing all the boys (and was wearing a bullet-proof vest) because she need something from Fitzpatrick before she reunites with her true love, Big Dick.
Up next week, Ronnie heads to sorority row. Seriously, how great is that episode going to be. Too bad Perky Parker, (presumably) won’t be in full perky mode for the festivities.
With Veronica Mars on her way to college (as well as a new network) the show has some new credits as well which are below courtesy of YouTube for those that haven't checked out the season premiere on MSN. I like the new look of the credits, but I'm still not sure on how they re-worked the song. In related Veronica Mars news, check out for Kristen Bell on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight.
I'm sure most people know this by now, but you can watch the season premiere of Veronica Mars on MSN. If you have never seen the show, this is the perfect time to jump right in as I have seen the episode and it could work as a series premiere as you don't need to see the previous season for it to make sense. So if you have some free time this weekend, check it out.
In other Veronica news, I partook in a press conference this week and have a recap up on my sister site so click the link to read that.
Also my world famous Toss Up pitting the second season of the show vs Lost, so check that out too to see who had the better season by the numbers.
I really hadn't planned on watching Supernatural because the season finale was one of the worst I've ever seen. But since Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip moved to Mondays leaving nothing worth watching Thursdays at 9:00 (aside from what I choose to tape at 8:00 between Survivor, My Name Is Earl and Smallville) I may give it another chance. Here is the press release for the season premiere a week from today along with some exclusive pictures:
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 “SUPERNATURAL” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) “In My Time of Dying” (TV-PG, L, V) (HDTV)
THE WINCHESTER MEN BATTLE THE DEMON AFTER A LIFE-THREATENING ACCIDENT — Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) and John (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) were left for dead after the Demon plowed a semi into the Impala. Now, one of the Winchesters hovers between life and death as the surviving family must face an old and powerful adversary. Eric Kripke wrote the episode directed by Kim Manners (#201).
Now I don't watch One Tree Hill on account that I'm not an fourteen year old white chick, but if any of you out there for some reason watch the show here is the press release for the season premiere a week from today as well as from pictures coutesy of the CW:
“ONE TREE HILL” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) “The Same Deep Water As You” (TV-14, D, L ) (HDTV)
ANYTHING BUT A HONEYMOON — In a shocking season opener, the aftermath of the post-wedding car accident unfolds. While Haley (Bethany Joy Galeotti) is deeply affected by Nathan's (James Lafferty) attempt to rescue Cooper (guest star Michael Trucco) and Rachel (Danneel Harris), Brooke (Sophia Bush) confronts Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) with her true feelings, and Peyton (Hilarie Burton) makes a startling discovery. Pressured by the fact that someone might know he killed his brother, Dan (Paul Johansson) assaults Deb (Moira Kelly). Lee Norris, Barbara Alyn Woods and Barry Corbin also star. Greg Prange directed the episode written by Mark Schwahn (#3T5751).
Just got my first exclusive pictures from my contact at UPN The CW of the season three premiere of Veronica Marsso here they are as well a press release for a Special tha kicks off the new network:
PARTY WITH CW NETWORK STARS ─ Hosted by “Entertainment Tonight's” Ryan Devlin and “One Tree Hill” star Hilarie Burton, this special includes footage from the CW Network’s premiere party on the Warner Bros. Studio lot. Featuring red carpet interviews with the network stars, the show also includes exclusive footage from inside the party. The hosts will visit with Tyra Banks (“America's Next Top Model”), Tom Welling (“Smallville”), Lauren Graham (“Gilmore Girls”), Kristen Bell (“Veronica Mars”), Tracee Ellis Ross (“Girlfriends”), Donnie Wahlberg (“Runaway”), Chad Michael Murray (“One Tree Hill”) Sophia Bush (“One Tree Hill”) among many others.
A couple weeks ago I brought to you the Tuesday night CW lineup featuring both Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars and mention how uninteresting the Veronica Mars part of the edge making me a little worried. Now there is a Veronica mars only commercial and it is a much better than the previous one and feature Ronnie dance (possibly for a Dick dream sequence) and maybe a slight spoiler into the Vee/Logan relationship (he's the one she asked to borrow something from if you look closely). Take a look courtesy of YouTube.
Yeah, I didn't watch Veronica Mars last night on account that UPN is no more in my market, but here are my favorite caps from the episode. Okay, so I've forgot whatshisname already but this may have been the biggest hint of the season for those who remembered whatshisname from season one. Darn you Evil Beaver.
But the big new was when Lucky went all Columbine, well, except he was shooting blanks...
But the school's guard wasn't. Poor Not-So-Lucky.
I could talk about how Mac and Beaver got back together here, but the "I (Heart) Pie" sign in the background makes me chuckle. I have a feeling that was meant to be dirty.
But how heartbreaking was the last scene. Seriously how did Kristen Bell not get an Emmy nod?
I went to watch my weekly repeat viewing of Veronica Mars only to be reminded that this was the week that MyNetwork started on my UPN station. I'd give a eulogy to the station, but aside from Veronica Mars and Everybody Hates Chris, I really think what other shows I watched in it's history. Yeah I know Buffy the Vampire Slayer was on, but to be honest I can't remember if it started on UPN or the WB. I think there is still two weeks until the CW premieres, so we still have WB. But good riddance to both because less original programming means less chances that I'll be stuck to my TV when I can be doing something productive.
Checking out Duckyxdale I just learned that we will be able to watch the third season premiere a whole week early on MSN. So head over to the website September 26 to stream the show commercial free for the low cost of free-99. You can also see premiers of the new show Runaway (Sept. 18) as well as Everybody Hates Chris (Sept. 24) a week early too.
Only three episodes left in season two of Veronica Mars and Evil Beaver is conspicuously absent. But the episode had to do with Gia's not so Lucky stalker. A few scenes had me puzzled including this one where Ronnie and Lucky seem to know each other even though they only met once and Vee couldn't recall that when Logan brought him up. Another is when Not So Lucky told Vee he knew her dad. Odd. And since Lucky is dead, I doubt it will lead anywhere.
This episode also saw the return of Deputy Leo. I still put him number one in favorite Ronnie beau's. Well that will end if Vee ever puts on an "I (Heart) Dick" t-shirt.
But this episode was all about the alterna-prom. Easily top five scene ever for the show. First you had the great elevator ride that did a much better at uncomfortable comedy that The Office has ever done.
The the capper for Ronnie's on the Lamb speech followed by Dick nonchalantly trying to catch a glimpse. Really a picture can't do the scene justice, so here it is in moving pictures courtesy of YouTube:
I mentioned a couple days ago that The CW had a new commercial featuring the duel Tuesday night line up of Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. Now for those too lazy to click over to its website, here is that ad courtesy of YouTube.
Now Evil Beaver this week and basically this episode was just one big red-herring as they try to make the Not-Kendall and the Fitzpatrick clan as the culprits. What struck me about this picture was how 80's Not-Kendall's photo is yet the two beside her look like the were taken last week.
I'm sure I've mentioned this story before, but when I was touring the set of Veronica Mars we came across this deer cross and prompted me to say "I have a feeling Dick was involved." I turned out to wrong, but at least a gave Rob Thomas a chuckle.
When I watched this episode again it made me wonder who exactly the anonymous IM'er is. I'm sure if Ronnie really wanted to know, she could find out because all she has to do is trace the Paypal account, but it still makes me wonder. Molly Fitzpatrick maybe?
One of the coolest scenes in terms of production value. Who knew Keith was such a badass?
But the best part of this episode was the start of the Mac/Butters relationship. I didn't really like Butters when he first arrived, but I came around when Vee and Mac interrupted his radio show, but this was the episode that put him over the top. I can't wait until the alterna-prom.
I can't remember if I posted this new promo for Veronica Mats yet, but here it the uber-short version (10 seconds) courtesy of YouTube. There is another promo that unfortunately hasn't made its way to YouTube yet that's on the CW website that has new footage from the new season as well and since it's for its Tuesday night line up, there are clips for Gilmore Girls too. And just a reminder, Veronica Mars season 2 is out on DVD tomorrow.
Evil Beaver only showed up in this scene, but he made the most of hinting his evil ways by being squirmy during Veronica's inquisition and the woe is me flashback with Cervando.
If you look closely over Vee's shoulder you will see Dick on a bike. How I know this? Well just off to the left of Dick was where I was during the set visit of Veronica Mars. Plus I just got some official photo's from that day which I'll surely show someday.
Some more classic shirts during the dream sequence. First was the infamous "I (Heart) Dick Casablancas" shirt. It's funny that the censors wouldn't let them use the "I (Heart) Dick" shirt I showed a while ago, but the camera was cut off to the point you couldn't even see "Casablancas." Then there was Meg's "Baby on Board" which I first saw while in the makeup trailer never thinking it was going to be part of the show.
It may be just because I'm sophomoric, but I loved this scene especially the bareback line.
I was a little disappointed that I Am God turned out to be a song, but the Rosebud reference did ease things.
The fall television season is just around the corner and I just got my first press release from my contact over at UPN CW about the premiere of America's Next Top Model already in its seventh season cycle. Here is just basically a list of the girls, but if you want to know more about the girls check out this week's issue of TV Guide with the Emmy Preview on the front. Also don't forget to watch the repeat of Veronica Mars tonight at 9:00 as it was the episode that was filming when I made my set visit. Be sure to look out for the scene where Veronica is talking to Evil Beaver at the lunch tables as that is the scene we watched. Now for the pres release:
(Burbank, CA) August 15, 2006 – The competition gets fierce and feisty for the seventh cycle of the hit dramality “America’s Next Top Model,” now on The CW, as the 13 finalists fight to make their dreams of becoming a top model a reality. This season, an incredible transformation takes place as the finalists face tougher challenges and live the high life participating in glamorous photo shoots all while living under one roof in a posh Los Angeles mansion. See the dramality unfold in the two-hour, seventh-cycle premiere of “America’s Next Top Model” on Wednesday, September 20 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on The CW.
Name: Monique Occupation: Marketing Representative Age: 19 Hometown: Chicago
During this cycle, the 13 participants live together and ferociously vie for the grand prize, competing in a highly accelerated modeling boot camp. The participants abilities are tested each week as they strive to master the runway, fashion photo shoots, perfect publicity skills and learn the business aspects of becoming a supermodel, all under 24-hour-a-day surveillance of the “America’s Next Top Model” cameras. Throughout the series, supermodel Tyra Banks, art director of photo shoots Jay Manuel, and runway guru J. Alexander mentor the participants. The new grand prize package for “America’s Next Top Model” will be announced at a later date.
Banks leads the panel of “America’s Next Top Model” judges, comprised of leading fashion industry experts, including supermodel Twiggy, photographer Nigel Barker and runway expert J. Alexander, who closely evaluate the progress of the models to narrow the field each week. In addition, special guest judges appear to critique within his or her area of expertise.
“America’s Next Top Model” is produced by 10 by 10 Entertainment, in association with Bankable Productions. Tyra Banks is the creator and executive producer along with Ken Mok ("Making the Band") and Anthony Dominici ("The Amazing Race").
This is the 100th post here at my photo blog. Yippie. But seriously I have nothing to mark the occasion. Coincidentally my sister site the 9th Green turned 500 today too so for even more excitement check that out. It's slightly more exciting than this milestone, but not by much (but there is some "Weird Al" news).
We final get are first true glimpse of Evil Beaver this week as he first gives Mac the hurt puppy dog look after she al but spread her legs in front of him. Then he gives her one of the most hurtful kiss-offs ever with his "Have fun trying to get laid" comment.
And maybe not so coincidentally we also get our first overtly gay vibe from Mayor Goodwood when he not so slyly cops a feel.
But the best part of the episode (no not the dance you annoying Logan lovers) was when Ronnie tries to flash the "Shocker" sign but ends up doing the "Scouts Honor" instead.
And in what could possible the funniest scene in the show's history that most likely wasn't supposed to be funny was the America's Next Top Model's "acting" skills.
This may also be the last we see of Scooter favorite Jane. I'm not sure what it says about me that my two favorite lover interests were her for Wallace and Deputy Leo for Vee. So cue up It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday for Jane, and here's hoping she made a pact with Wallace to go to Hearst before they broke up. For those keeping track at home, she's added to the already long list of Neptune graduates that I hope end up going to Hearst that include Madison Sinclair, Gia Goodman, Hannah (or at least comes back to Neptune), and of course Shelly Pomroy.
If you peruse the same blogs that I do you have most likely seen this video already. Now as much as the Veronica Mars faithful will love this video, it is instead for those that haven't checked out the show yet. So if you are dragging your feet and haven't taken my recommendation yet, just spend a minute or two watching the video courtesy of YouTube. This is much better than any promo you will see on TV, so if the TV spots don't peak your interest, this might change your mind. There are only very minimal spoilers so don't worry about that if you end up watching the first two seasons.
In a story broke by Ducky a couple days ago, Kristen Bell is in a new series of Old Navy commercials and here is one of them courtesy of YouTube. There is a second one but the punk who created it disabled the embed function so if you want to see the second one (or the first one with better quality) at I highly recommend you do so because the "date" one is hilarious with a Hootie look-a-like as Bell's dad.
Yet another Evil Beaver-less episode, but it was still one of the best of the season. Though The Rapes of Graff not only granished the greatest episode title, it also has my favorite sequence of the season with the makeshift Reelect Don Lamb flyer.
Kristen Bell was also outstanding, no matter what the old Emmy voters think, with her coy hiding behind her hair trick and of course the look on her face after being called out on her Emmy performance.
Of course we all met Iceman during this episode, but hopefully we get to meet Mr. Roofie sometime next season (look in the right column in the middle).
And one can only hope Dick with yet another classic shirt here, pledges the same frat next season. One can only imagine what his nickname would be.
And of course this was the last we saw of Hannah. Hopefully she makes it back from Vermont next season. But until then cue up It's so Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.